The popularity of chatbots, short for chat robots, has increased massively in the last few years. More entrepreneurs and businesses are investing in chatbots, primarily because it helps them cut costs and offer a more personal experience for consumers. Scripted bots were the first kind of chatbots, which only could offer standard responses, based on predefined information. The new-age chatbots use AI and machine learning, and are capable of so much more – Take Siri and Alexa for instance. If you are investing in a chatbot online for your business, we recommend that you follow the tips listed below.
- Introduce online chatbot buttons. People love chatbots because of the interactive experience. In fact, if you want your bot to stand out, you have to use tools that enhance the experience. Online chatbot buttons are used for adding more of clickable elements, which improves the way people interact with bots. With buttons, you can allow users to decide what they do with the bot, and thereby, offering them more control.
- Create a personal experience. If you want more people to interact with chatbot designed for your business, you have to consider offering a more personal experience. Bots are capable of so much more, thanks to AI, so you can actually generate responses that feel anything but scripted. Try using questions, queries that users would love to answer, and seek feedback, which is the best way to improve your bot.
- Include offers. Consumers love surprises, and what could be a better way to encourage people to talk to your brand than offer offers and discounts. Make sure that you check for features that chatbot builders offer for better interaction. From offering a coupon code, to encouraging consumers to sign up, so that they become a member of your elite club, there is so much to do.
- Add surveys and insist on sign-ups. If you want to use an online chatbot for marketing and branding, you have to encourage sign ups. For example – when a consumer has responded to a question, the bot may say something like ‘We see that you like our products. Would you want us to send you special offers?’, or something like ‘Would you want to sign up for our subscription at a new price today?’.
- Offer product information. You have to consider using chatbots for marketing. In fact, chatbot marketing is a real thing and must be considered for promoting your business offerings better. Instead of using chatbots for offering responses to queries alone, use your bot to share product guide and you can even choose to conduct quizzes. The idea is to use chatbots in a personal manner, but with chat blasting via Messenger, you can actually offer consolidated information on products in a personal manner.
Check online now to find more on chatbot builders and select one that’s effective, reliable and offers the best possible uptime. Your chatbot is an investment, and you have to spend on the design and experience that matter for the end user.