
Gemba Walk 101: Check The Various Dos And Don’ts For Managers!

Gemba walk is a management exercise, where managers go to the work floor to observe processes and people. It is neither an audit or same as Management by Walking Around. This is a collaborative management technique, where first-line managers are expected to work with on-floor workers and employees to gain the best possible insight on every step of the work process. The idea is to find possible scope for improvement and changes. Business that want to streamline the process and go paperless can contact Tervene, which has an app that’s designed exclusively for simplifying Gemba walks. In this post, we are discussing the dos and don’ts that managers need to follow in general.

The dos

  • Let all workers and employees know what Gemba walk is all about
  • Be friendly with workers and encourage feedback and comments on work processes
  • Ask questions. As long as you get better views and insight, all questions are fine.
  • Ensure that you have a cross-functional team to do every Gemba walk
  • Make sure that your team is aware of the responsibilities on the work floor.
  • Use an app, as we mentioned earlier. Reduce paperwork to the best extent possible.
  • Define your purpose of the Gemba walk.
  • Ask the entire team about their individual observations
  • Take photos where necessary. Note all details.
  • Ensure you have necessary checklists in place.

The don’ts

  • Don’t intimidate people on a Gemba walk
  • Don’t act too bossy. Workers should be comfortable during the exercise.
  • Don’t miss on the system improvement tools.
  • Don’t suggest changes while on the walk.
  • Don’t treat Gemba walk as the means to evaluate employee performance.
  • Don’t rush in the process
  • Do not react to on-floor problems. Gemba walk is not about corrections.
  • Do not be blinded by checklists alone. Trust your instincts and observations
  • Don’t miss on adding details immediately to the app

If you can keep a tab on these aspects and make the most of the system improvement tools, you will have no issues conducting Gemba walks successfully. With dedicated apps, it is possible to make the exercise a part of the work process, without impacting the flow or how employees behave on the work floor. Done right, Gemba might be the answer to taking necessary decisions to improve work flow and management of processes. Check online for apps and don’t miss the features that may pertain and will be valuable for your work floor evaluation needs.

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